9 November 2012

Diwali Assembly

  On the sixth of November, Form 10 B, put together an assembly centering around the theme of Diwali. We began with a newsroom-styled debate, with people from different parts of the school participating to share their perspective. We discussed the in vitro-fertilization situation— how more women get this process done on Diwali as they believe it will improve their chances of getting pregnant, the gambling that is done on the day, firecrackers and the crass commercialization of the festival. The participants offered fresh and new perspective on the issues.

After the newscast, a video depicting “Ram Leela” in a modern day era was shown. Ram was a mortal, a young boy who was sent to a hostel, where he met Ravan- the school’s head boy. Needless to say Ravan kidnapped Sita, Ram’s iPhone. Ram joins forces with Lakshman then carry out an elaborate plan to retrieve Sita- and take Ravan down. In the end, of course, good triumphs over evil. 
Supriya Ganesh
Form 10 B